Thursday, February 18, 2010

Streaming Media

I had to skip the Screencasting section for now becuase my computer cannot play any of the tutorials. Anyway, I really liked the streaming media sections. I have not used Pandora or, but I was just told today that I needed to check out, and 'crazy' I am learning about it at work. One major problem is that I cannot listen to the tracks on, but I entered in my favorite bands and it provided a lot of recommendations for me. One band they recommended was O Pioneers, which was provided becuase I typed in Fake Problems, so hopefully I can check them out at home. I could tell you if I liked them if I could listen to them. Pandora does not seem as useful for me. I entered numerous names of favorite bands and they could not be found. In addition, the music they selected for my streaming radio station were not that similar to the band that I chose to listen to.
Hulu is something that I have been using for a couple of years. I really like that it collects all the t.v. shows together and makes it easy to search. WIth Hulu and the network sites I won't ever need a dvr recorder.

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